

Do you have it? Can you find it? Does it exist? These were the questions I recently asked of local business owners through 20 discussions in one on one interviews and focus groups about how local business is doing in year three of the pandemic. There were other...
Communities Make a Nation

Communities Make a Nation

The economic health of America lies not in the accumulation of individual wealth but in the greater exchange of dollars in local communities across the country. The current income disparity reaches far beyond individual bank accounts. The unbridled growth of the top...
This ship has a new course

This ship has a new course

I’ve spent most of my adult life either being a local business or working to support local business. I hear the whispers. You’re a person, not a business. You can own a business, work for a business but you can’t be a business any more than a corporation can be a...
Life in Pandemia

Life in Pandemia

Human beings are social creatures, pack animals we are. From high society to gangs, we travel in packs. While there are lone wolves, we are not normally isolated. Until now. The pandemic has wrought so much damage and destruction to our health, our communities and our...

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